Being the country LOVER that I am .. I saw this quote today and my mind instantly started wondering! .. “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley
Thank you Mr. Brad Paisley… I will most certainly write myself a beautiful fairytale 🙂 .. If I said this year was an easy one I would most definitely be lying! I hold close ‘everything happens for a reason’. We may not always know what those reasons are right away but everything always works out as it should. I owe my family/friends a big thank you for all of their help and support this past year. I honestly would not of been able to do everything I have done with out them.
Heres to family, friends, loving life, motherhood, dancing in the rain, good music, having too many glasses of wine, pure joy & happiness, & to a fabulous new year.. 2015!
.. The year is yours.. what will you do with it?